Monday, March 30, 2009

Galatians 6:17

It was a Saturday when Amanda and I took a journey down to Pittsburgh where we arrived on Carson Street amidst the St. Patty’s Day parade madness. Already at two in the afternoon the Southside was dominated by waves of green clad Pittsburghers who were getting their drink on. Although the atmosphere was highly enjoyable, we dodged the drunks and headed towards our destination. As we came to the door we knew that this was it. We realized that within a few moments we would never be the same again. We would be forever inked.

Okay. Enough of the drama. But this story is true. Amanda and I finally got our tattoos. After talking and scheming about is for the past three years we decided to make the leap and get it done. We went to the tattoo parlor ‘In the Blood’ which Amanda has school ties to and apparently it has some sort of Christian affiliation. We received tattoos from a wonderfully nice man name Travis who I would highly recommend based upon the fact that he called Amanda a nerd and had an x-ray of his ex-wife’s head hanging on the wall. Well that and the wonderful job he did on my tattoo.

And what a wonderful tattoo it is. Although it is located on my left foot I initially wanted it on my neck until my mom informed me that tattoos located there are “ghetto.” So instead of aggravating my parents further with this venture I opted for the foot. Anyway after much debate and contemplation I decided upon on the hymn lyric “with heavenly beauty shine.” Although there were a couple others in the running, I decided upon the tattoo mainly because it conveyed my calling.

Yes calling. That dreaded term that Geneva students immediately hear and cringe. Last semester I read a couple of different books that indirectly referenced calling. One was the “Eat, Pray, Love” and the other was the “Irresistible Revolution.” Although both books had their flaws (like everything else) I did pull out a thing or two about calling from their pages.

In “Eat, Pray, Love” author Elizabeth Gilbert related her search for her word. Her word being the culmination of all of her beliefs, passions, and dreams summed up into one simple, brief utterance. Gilbert saw defining herself as an essential component of living out her life and achieving her need for balance. Interestingly, Shane Claiborne’s also discussed such a search. However, his exploration was for a place. Claiborne’s search was for his Calcutta. A place where he could serve – a place in Christ. Similar to Gilbert, Claiborne searched in order to identify himself so that he could live out his life and calling.

After reading both these works I was split between finding a word and place. But then I thought couldn’t these things be combined? So I thought about it for a while. Read a lot. Reflected a lot. Cried a lot. And then read a lot more. And reflected a lot more. And cried a lot more. I won’t weigh you down with the specifics but I found that I was continually drawn to one specific concept though all of this. And that was beauty.

But not your typical run-of-the-mill shallow beauty. No. My beauty implied a level of completeness and that advocated for redemption. This beauty made love a revolution rather than a commodity. Beauty to me is a place of unhindered love in which I am able to be the creative and vulnerable person that I am commanded to be so that He is glorified.

Sorry for the crappy transition here, but since I wanted a tattoo I decided that somehow I needed to convey this concept of beauty. I needed to find something that would remind me of how I am called to live. So I searched through different hymns that featured the word beauty. I found numerous hymns with “beauty” in it, but the one that truly grasped me was from Remember the Sabbath. “Shine with heavenly beauty.” The words lay bare how I am called to live.

So if you are planning to get a tattoo or have one already tell me. I would love to hear your story.

this picture was inspired by amanda's sourness (she hasn't found her vampire yet). however, as her new tattoo expresses so wonderfully in french, she will continue to hope.

aerial view.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

geneva college film fest reject

simply brilliant. watch the first link before watching the geneva remake.

happy birthday bobert!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

what has happened to all your joy? – gal. 4:15

during my short twenty two years i have had few moments of true contentment. most of my time has been spent reflecting on and striving to obtain satisfaction. a satisfaction that i acknowledge is rooted in the lord but still feel like i have to force.

after a lengthy period of brooding followed by some heavy spiritual reflection (and a few cervezas) i do eventually grasp something outside myself and am put somewhat at ease. heck, there are moments when i feel totally complete and satisfied in the beauty that has been graciously bestowed upon my life.

but that is soon replaced. i begin to overanalyze. my mind starts to grind on every aspect and little detail. i begin to weigh the different circumstances and expectations that have come to exemplify my life. that is when faith and confidence abandon me. that is when joy escapes.

in a novel i once read a mother described her daughter when she was a young girl. she claimed that her daughter did not like white and would spend hours sobbing as she worked her way through her coloring books as she tried to fill in the white. the girl was sobbing because she could see that she would never be done; that her whole life would be spent in the hopeless task of filling in the white. she found it necessary to fill in the white. to color in the issues. to fill in the lines in order to ignore the truth.

much like the little girl i have this need to be in control. i seem to be submitting to the will of man rather than the will of god. constantly i seem to be filling in the white of my life not for christ’s glory but for my own. the only way to fill in the white spaces is to live through the lord. our life in him will provide the colors necessary to fill our lives.

but this hard. it is hard to give up control and die to a life of faith. but it is harder to live a life without christ. a life in which weariness reigns and rest impossible.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

the bridge of sighs

this is the latest time killer going around on facebook. love it.

1 - Go to "wikipedia." Hit "Random article"or click <>The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2 - Go to "Random quotations"or click <>The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album

3 - Go to flickr and click on "Explore the last seven days"or click <>Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4 - Use Photoshop (or similar) to put it all together.

5 - Post it to Facebook as a note and tag the friends you want to join in.


2. Everything happens to everybody sooner or later if there is time enough. George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


Sunday, March 1, 2009


Romantic love is blind to everything except what is loveable and lovely, but Christ's love sees us with terrible clarity and sees us whole. Christ's love so wishes our joy that it is ruthless against everything in us that diminishes our joy. The worst sentence Love can pass is that we behold the suffering which Love has endured for our sake, and that is also our aquittal. The justice and the mercy of the judge are ultimately one.